Chabad Intown Sending 4 From Atlanta to Moscow
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Chabad Intown Sending 4 From Atlanta to Moscow

The young Jewish professionals are among 50 selected worldwide for a four-month Chabad program.

An international pilot Chabad program has selected four Atlantans among 50 people who will spend the next four months exploring Jewish life today and envisioning Jewish life tomorrow before gathering for a global summit this summer in Moscow.

Ethan Arbiser, Danit Dorory, Samantha Morton and Abbie Ijams were selected among other local nominees to represent Chabad Intown in the Chabad Young Ambassadors program, a grant-funded leadership fellowship.

Chabad Intown Rabbi Eliyahu Schusterman, who will work with the four as part of the program, said most Chabad outlets with Young Jewish Professionals chapters were given four slots in the pilot program.

Chabad Young Ambassadors will be a global network of activists and change-makers from various fields of interest, sharing a passion to grow their young adult Jewish communities. They will study time-tested principles for effective leadership in general and Jewish leadership in particular.

The idea is for their fellowship to benefit the local community as well as Judaism worldwide.

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