Chuck Berk
Chuck Berk shares his Passover thoughts with you.
Chuck Berk is a local chair of the Republican Jewish Coalition, which co-sponsored one of the Republican debates before the April 18 election.

“It appears that a greater number of Jews in this election recognized all the strong support President Donald Trump has provided to Israel and the Jewish community,” said Chuck Berk of the Republican Jewish Coalition.
During this time of unprecedented challenge, Pesach reminds us that, whether we reside in the diaspora or in Israel, we are bound as one by a shared heritage. As the Jewish people have proven throughout the millennia, we will remain resolute and emerge strong.
In seeking comfort in our traditions, I hope the coming seder finds you and your loved ones healthy and safe, and may you find joy and inspiration in this celebration of freedom.
Chag Pesach Sameach.
Chuck Berk is chair of the Israel Bonds National Campaign.
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