FIDF Touts Tucker, Heroes and Hope

FIDF Touts Tucker, Heroes and Hope

Supporters gathered at City Springs to get firsthand reports from daring IDF solders, alongside a Hollywood star.

After 37 years with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and now with the AJT, , Jaffe’s focus is lifestyle, art, dining, fashion, and community events with emphasis on Jewish movers and shakers.

(From left) Seth Baron (VP, FIDF Georgia & Southeast States), Montana Tucker, Karen Shulman (outgoing chair for FIDF Atlanta). Jeris Hollander (associate director, FIDF Georgia & Southeast States), Garry Sobel (FIDF national board member) // Photo Credit: Jon Marks
(From left) Seth Baron (VP, FIDF Georgia & Southeast States), Montana Tucker, Karen Shulman (outgoing chair for FIDF Atlanta). Jeris Hollander (associate director, FIDF Georgia & Southeast States), Garry Sobel (FIDF national board member) // Photo Credit: Jon Marks

Approximately 300 people attended the Friends of the Israel Defense Force’s Legends and Heroes event at City Springs on Dec. 9 with special emphasis on power and hope since Oct. 7.

Media star Montana Tucker served as the emcee throughout the program and in interview with two IDF soldiers. FIDF Georgia and Southeast States Vice President Seth Baron welcomed the crowd and described 2024 as a year of challenge with war on all fronts.

Montana Tucker wore this hostage statement dress to the Grammy’s.

He said, “Thanks to your support and compassion, the FIDF has been able to meet the critical needs of IDF soldiers, including the two amazing men here tonight, one of whom participating in eliminating Sinwar.”

Baron introduced Tucker as an actress, singer and social media phenomenon with 14 million followers, who finds time in her busy career to promote the good works of the FIDF, alongside her Grammy Award-winning show, “Bring Them Home.”

Apologetically hoarse from her recent trip to Israel where she volunteered with special needs children, Tucker related her passion back to her survivor grandparents and now her duty to speak up.

Next up is her upcoming docuseries, “How to Never Forget.” She said, “I can remember the past without it defining the future. We can carry light, Torah and hope, though it’s painful to see the rise in antisemitism, and that the world doesn’t have our back. On my four trips to Israel, I saw trauma … bullets showered at children in safe rooms.”

Although she receives hate messages, she responds with kindness and stories that amplify the truth.

Israel Consul General to the Southeast Anat Sultan-Dadon laughed that she could never imagine being introduced by Montana Tucker, and began by quoting Judah Maccabee, “’They come against us, but we fight … not merely as a campaign, but a fight for life’ … After a 14-month war with Iran’s proxies all around, we are proud, strong and sovereign … The IDF has weakened Iran and defeated extremists, showing the imperative for a free world.”

Lt. Col. Barak said, “I have witnessed a modern-day Holocaust. This enemy has no moral limits” // Photo Credit: Jon Marks

She emphasized that Israel does not choose war and that recent development in Syria may effect change, “If not, we will do what it takes. This is not possible without the IDF — 816 soldiers have been lost since Oct. 7, including seven in the last 24 hours. Our hearts ache.”

Next, Lt. Col. Barak, 36, who has served as an operations officer the last 14 months and previously in active combat said, “I have witnessed a modern-day Holocaust. This enemy has no moral limits.”

He spoke of the horror of Hamas’ tunnel networks. “The thought of hostages breathing in that darkness … yet in the web of weapons storage and cruelty, we rescued six hostages.”

Tucker sat down to interview Lt. Itmark, 23, a platoon commander with young recruits who was told to “sweep and neutralize an area of Gaza.”

Little did he know that the evil Sinwar (Hamas chair) would be eliminated by that sweep. While in prison, Sinwar was saved by Israeli doctors who removed his brain tumor. Itmar continued his role to counsel and help young recruits process. He stated, “I remembered why I became a commander.”

Montana Tucker served as emcee for the Friends of the Israel Defense Force’s Legends and Heroes event // Photo Credit: Jon Marks

Long-serving FIDF national board member Garry Sobel recounted the role he and Karen Shulman played in the wee hours of Oct. 7, raising emergency supplies. He said, “We have no time to rest. Our only hope is in Israeli soldiers, with the FIDF meeting humanitarian needs.”

Before the event. Ben Levy, FIDF Board member, chatted with outgoing FIDF chair Karen Shulman. Levy told the AJT, “My grandparents were survivors. We are lucky enough to be in America, where our parents don’t have to worry whether we will come home at night. My part, giving money is easy.”

Shulman described her involvement, especially since October 2023, working with soldiers as transformative.

Footnote: Tucker was almost removed from the Grammy Award ceremony for being “too political,” in a yellow hostage dress. She was lauded for using her voice to show Hollywood, especially those who are afraid of blowback, to stand up.

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