Garon Berenson Makes Eagle Scout

Garon Berenson Makes Eagle Scout

Courtesy of Troop 463: Scoutmaster Wayne Miller of Troop 463 presents new Eagle Scouts (from left) Jack Monahan, Hunter Whitney, Garon Berenson and Ian Hughes.

Congregation Or Hadash member Garon Berenson has been awarded the rank of Eagle Scout. He served as patrol leader, assistant senior patrol leader for service, assistant senior patrol leader for camping, senior patrol leader and troop guide for Troop 463 and has earned 21 merit badges.

Garon is the son of Gloria Ana and Frank Berenson of Sandy Springs. Since the Eagle Scout rank was introduced in 1911, it has been earned by more than 2 million young men.

Wayne Miller, the Scoutmaster of Troop 463, is also Jewish.

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