Jason Smith’s Chanukah Message for 2024

Jason Smith’s Chanukah Message for 2024

For our Chanukah holiday issue, we invited members of our community to share their responses.

Jason Smith
Jason Smith

The Atlanta Jewish Community never ceases to amaze me.  We all have troubles that we are faced with in our lives, and knowing that there are people who care (whether they know you or not), is comforting,. As a family, we have had our own challenges and with that…along came phone calls, texts, and cards all showing support…then every night, meals would just show up at the house.  Knowing that people take time out of their busy lives to show you their sincere support is everything.

The community literally lifted us on their shoulders and carried us to recovery.

Every week it seems there is a fundraising event for a different Jewish organization.  And at every event, the community shows up to support.  Instead of finding other things to do with our incredibly busy schedules we find time to support great causes.  I speak to friends in other cities, and they are always amazed with the generosity of Atlanta’s Jewish community.

Having sent both of our kids to Jewish Day School, it is a wonderful sight to see our kids want and choose to give back with volunteering and involvement.  Our family is proud to be part of this nurturing community and take part in the lessons we are teaching the younger generation.

The Atlanta Jewish Times has become the central forum to share the good times to celebrate together and even the bad times, so we can rally around each other…

Congratulations to Michael Morris and the Jewish Times on 100 years!

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy Hanukkah.

Jason Smith is a co-founder of Doraville-based mosquito control outfit Mr. Mister.

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