Jillian Gerson’s Rosh Hashanah Message for 2024
Rosh HashanahCommunity

Jillian Gerson’s Rosh Hashanah Message for 2024

Jillian Gerson shares her thoughts and inspiration for the Jewish New Year.

Jillian Gerson
Jillian Gerson

I see the holiday as a chance to find the sweetness in the things you least expect. Finding joy in the dark times we are in now is tough but finding those good things is a necessity as we wish to move forward. Whether it’s finding the sweetness in hard work paying off or an unexpected happy outcome, learning how to keep your head up is important. That is also to say we should be reflecting on all the good things as well. Finding sweet things we have in our lives can be as easy as just looking at what we have around us. The sweetness of coming home after work to a roof over my head and the ability to share good times with friends & family are two of the sweetest things I can look towards every day. We should always look at the sweet things both big and small in our lives and continue look towards what we have to come.

Jillian Gerson is the AJT’s Online Content Coordinator for the Atlanta Jewish Times.

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