Jody Pollack’s 2021 Rosh Hashanah Message
Read community insights, perspectives and opportunities seen as we enter into the 5782/ 2021 New Year.
As we embark on our next journey through time — Jewish time, of course — we hope to start life anew and rid ourselves of the baggage of the past. Unfortunately, we continue to be tied to the present, which is still loaded with the issues, concerns, tumult (I always thought that was a Yiddish word), and tsuris of this past year.
We were done with COVID at the end of 2020, when the vaccine arrived, and we all — or 40% of us —rushed to get the shots. But now, we are not done, and some of the 60% are realizing that maybe it’s time to forsake pride, hubris and laziness and get the two shots. In the meantime, the 40% are going to get back in line for shot number three. Let’s see how that works out. Last week we finished our last roll of TP that we bought in April of 2020. Sorry to see it go, as it was such an important part of our lives for so long. We still have a roll or two of paper towels, but the Clorox wipes are long gone. On the positive side, gas was cheap, lumber was affordable, inflation was something we experienced in the 1980s, not the 5780s. Life was good — sort of.
How we approach 5782 with guarded optimism. We as a people have lived through much worse conditions and come out stronger than most. We have relative peace in our corner of the Middle East. We do have the “booster” shots readily available. We are getting back to life as we knew it, albeit cautiously. And again, we will come out of this with a deep appreciation of how G-d helps us find ways to cope with and conquer the obstacles that get in our way of living, loving, and even finding humor in the darkest of times. Trust me folks, it is much easier to find a candle to light up the world today than it was in the past.
In closing, our family wishes yours the blessings of the New Year. May your mitzvahs be plentiful, your tsuris be minimal, and your guests leave after dinner.
L’shana Tova
Jody Pollack is the executive director of the Atlanta Kosher BBQ Festival.