Jody Pollack’s Rosh Hashanah Message for 2022
Jody Pollack shares his thoughts and inspiration for the Jewish New Year.
Thankfully life is returning to “normal.” I am holding off on burning my last facemask just in case a venue hasn’t gotten the latest version of the memo. To be able to see the smile of a child, a dear friend and a restaurant server is wonderful. Plus, now I can see if someone is really laughing at one of my quips or if I need to ready a quick apology.
My wife had been hospitalized in 2020 and at that time I could only see her if I stood in the grass outside her window. We could only wave and communicate by phone. This June, my wife unfortunately fell and broke her hip. Definitely not a fun time. Fortunately, the restrictions have been relaxed and I was able to be with her at the hospital and then at rehab. Is there a way to truly measure the value here?
My youngest daughter got married, a cousin had a Bar Mitzvah, cousins came in from Israel and were able to be with relatives that we had not seen in years. We can go to the movies and BBQ Festivals with little to no fear of the pandemic. Yes, some of us still got caught by the Wuhan Virus, but it was to a far lesser extent than the initial wave.
The aspects of life that we took for granted, are, for the moment, prized. We hope that this upcoming New Year, 5783, will be smoother than last year. We will still prize our “normalcy,” smile across the room at others and enjoy the re-learned value of friends and family coming together for simchas, seders and BBQ Festivals. The value? Immeasurable.
L’shana Tovah Tika Teyvu!
Jody Pollack is executive director of the Hebrew Order of David and Atlanta Kosher BBQ Festival.