Learn to Knit Kippot … It’s Fun!
For the novice to the more experienced knitter, The Peach State Stitchers, the Atlanta Chapter of The Pomegranate Guild of Judaic Needlework, presents the “Knit a Kippah” workshop program on April 22 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the North DeKalb Cultural Center.
Set to serve as instructor for the event is Margie Steiner, a well-known and experienced knitter who has been an active member of both the Atlanta Knitting Guild as well as the Peach State Stitchers.
The kippah, the Hebrew word for “skull cap” or a yarmulke, is one of the most recognizable symbols of Jewish identity. According to Alfred J. Koltach, author of “The Jewish Book of Why”:
“Wearing a kippah is not a religious commandment; it is a Jewish custom that shows respect for G-d.”
The April 22 daytime meeting and program is an opportunity for members and guests to participate in the Peach State Stitchers’ educational programs relating to Judaic needlework. The group also holds evening programs on the second Monday of each month during the year.
For more information and a list of what supplies to bring to “Knit a Kippah,” peachstatestitchers.org or write to peachstatestitch@aol.com.