Letter to the Editor: Ken David

Letter to the Editor: Ken David


Dear Editor,

As a parent who has had four  children attend Camp Gan Israel, a co-ed, in town Jewish day camp for young kids and tweens as well as full Kiddie Camp for the past 11 years, I was surprised to read about In the City Camp being the first and only such camp.   (Jan. 17 Special for the AJT.)

Although we wish this new camp success, our experience with CGI has been phenomenal. As a family from the Conservative tradition, we initially chose this Chabad Intown sponsored camp because it was the only Jewish camp within miles of our Northlake home.

However, we were amazed by the counselors whose commitment to the children is unmatched. They communicated  the  love of Judaism in a fun and loving way whether it was sports, trips, Piedmont Park swimming or the many electives such as chess, art, woodworking or music.

Our kids have even received holiday cards throughout the year from former counselors.

It was after attending CGI, not Hebrew School or day school, that our children wanted to make Shabbat part of our weekly routine. And I’ll admit that, although I was not initially thrilled about having to sing as part of a newly formed “Father’s Bunk” at my first Donuts for Dads event, I learned a thing or two that day as well!

I encourage parents who want their children to experience an authentic, inclusive camp  full of fun, love, and Judaism, with full hours, to find out more information and register now.


Ken David

Editor’s Note:  As reported in the article, In the City Camp is the only such camp that serves all ages 5-14. The AJT is pleased to hear that our readers have had great experiences at Jewish camps and continue to support those camps. We welcome your comments about your camp experiences.   

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