Letter to the Editor: Richard Sherman
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Letter to the editor,
In January 1933 the German people used their ballot to install an anti-Semitic government. (“Ilhan Omar Holds Off Well Funded Primary Challenger in Minnesota”) In August 2020 the Democratic voters of Minnesota’s 5th District used their ballot to maintain the anti-Semitism of Ilhan Omar in office.
By their ballot they rejected the wisdom and prescience of Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., as cited by the late Congressman John Lewis.
In a 2002 op-ed in the San Francisco Chronicle commemorating Martin Luther King Day, Congressman Lewis recalled the wise and prescient words of Dr. King spoken at Harvard University a few weeks before his death: “When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews; you’re talking anti-Semitism.”
There is no doubt both Dr. King and Congressman Lewis would have branded Ilhan Omar as an anti-Semite. Unfortunately, just as in Germany in January 1933, the Democratic voters in Minnesota have spoken.
Richard Sherman, Margate, Fla.