Lilli Jennison’s Rosh Hashanah Message for 2022

Lilli Jennison’s Rosh Hashanah Message for 2022

Lilli Jennison shares her thoughts and inspiration for the Jewish New Year.

Lilli Jennison
Lilli Jennison

Although we are back in person, back on trips, back to business, back to school, back to events … some things will never go back to normal. Has anyone realized how gross some things we used to do were? Shaking hands … when did the other person wash with warm, soapy water for 20 seconds? Touching gas pumps … have they ever been cleaned? I have a new perspective on germs since COVID.

In my opinion, we are about 90 percent back to “normal.” The CDC is relaxing its guidelines. COVID is just something we will live with like the common cold. Although, having personally had COVID for the first time back in July … it is not just a common cold … at all. I was out for almost 2 weeks and still have a couple lingering symptoms. I caught COVID on my vacation to Vegas in July. BH it was mild and my long COVID is managed.

This past year my focus was on self-care. I have been learning new skills, taking care of myself and doing things I enjoy. I am glad we are back in person. I have enjoyed going to events with YJP and other young adult organizations around Atlanta.

I am loving teaching Noar Sunday school at Temple Sinai. On the first day, one of the kids hugged me when she told her mom I am her teacher. It was such a sweet moment. In 2020, I would have been terrified of that hug. But last week, it was my favorite part of the day. My goal for the day was to make the kids feel welcome to my second-grade classroom, and I feel that I accomplished it!

My last big event before COVID was my 25th birthday party. My family and friends were there to help me celebrate. We have not had a get-together in almost three years. My sister and I are hosting a birthday party for our mom and aunt in a few weeks and can’t be more excited to bring our family and friends together again for a nice party!

Shana Tova!

Lilli Jennison is creative director at the Atlanta Jewish Times.

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