Mitzvah Manners for Teens
If your teen is on the mitzvah circuit, or about to be, teach the rules for good guest behavior to ensure everyone has a good time.

If your teen is on the bar and bat mitzvah circuit, or about to be, he or she will likely attend some parties without you. Teach the rules for good guest behavior to ensure everyone has a good time.
Attend the Service
This may seem like a no-brainer. But with jam-packed weekends and tons of activities, some teens think it’s okay to skip the Torah service, but go to the party anyway. Teens should always try to be there for the service, but exceptions can be made in certain situations, especially if you know the mitzvah family well.
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Bring Your Best Manners
“Please” and “thank you” never go out of style! Saying them to everyone you encounter is the right thing to do. Everyone should be treated respectfully, whether they are the guest of honor’s relative or the person serving soda. And remember to thank your hosts before you leave and wish the guest of honor “mazel tov”!
Dress for the Occasion
Read the invitation details to find out the dress code for the celebration. Don’t wear jeans and sneakers if the party is formal.
Pocket the Phone
You go to a party to celebrate the guest of honor, right? Checking social media and texting buddies can be done on the way to or from the celebration. Be in the moment and try the entertainment and experiences offered to you. A lot of planning went into this event, and your hosts don’t want guests gaming on their phones instead of joining the fun.
Stay in the Area
Some venues have security to make sure guests don’t wander outside or too far away from the party. Others may not. For your safety, and to not be rude, don’t leave the celebration area, or camp out in the bathrooms or lobby.
Share with Others
The green screen props may be awesome, but don’t monopolize the photo station by taking pic after pic with different friends. Remember that others want to experience it, too. The same goes for edible treats, dance floor tchotchkes and party favors. Take just enough for you and leave the rest for other guests.
Guest of Honor Rules!
If you’re in line for food or photos and the guest of honor comes to stand behind you, let him go first! He’ll be stopped everywhere he goes by well-wishers and relatives, so when he finally gets to have a bite or enjoy the entertainment, let him jump the line.
Follow the Golden Rule
The golden oldie still applies. Think of how you’d like your friends to behave at your party, and act that way. This will also ensure you get invited to more!
Shelly Danz is founder and chief party officer of Atlanta Party Connection,, which connects mitzvah and wedding clients with top vendors, secures exclusive deals and discounts on services, and provides planning tips and inspiration. APC also produces four events a year. The next Bridal Extravaganza is Feb. 17 at the Southern Exchange. The next Bar & Bat Mitzvah EXPO is March 10 at the Atlanta Marriott Alpharetta.