Morris and Hartz: Aman Is Atlanta’s Best Choice
Peter Aman has the experience and ideas to take advantage of a once-in-a-generation opportunity for Atlanta.

The upcoming election for the 60th mayor of Atlanta may prove to be a watershed moment in the history of this city.
There is much at stake for Atlanta over the next several years. Residents of Atlanta have the responsibility to learn what crucial issues lay ahead, understand where the candidates stand, get out the vote and ensure the best candidate is elected.
In our opinion, Peter Aman is clearly the best choice. As the former chief operating officer for the city of Atlanta in 2010 and 2011 under Mayor Kasim Reed and as a pro-bono consultant to Mayor Shirley Franklin, Peter is experienced and impeccably qualified to lead Atlanta.
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The next mayor and City Council will have two once-in-a-generation opportunities. One is to allocate and spend almost $14 billion on our city’s infrastructure. The second is a complete rezoning of the city.
Both will drive density in residential and commercial zones as well as determine where people will live and work for generations to come. Together, the rezoning and tax dollar allocation, effectively, fairly and honestly, will shape Atlanta for the next 50 years.
Atlanta residents have an obligation to their families, the community at large and future generations to get this election right and vote for the candidate who can best lead Atlanta at this moment and capitalize on these opportunities with the most clarity and experience.
The Jewish community in Atlanta has roots that go back to the mid-1800s, when you could count on two hands the number of Jews in the city. During Reconstruction, Jews were migrating to this city from Europe and building businesses from the ground up, contributing to the economic engine that helped propel Atlanta to where we are now.
Our communities, schools, synagogues, businesses and citizens matter as we, too, played key roles in building this city under decades of strong African-American mayoral leadership.
We are a community rooted in action, faith and ethics with a compassion for humanity. It is our moral obligation to participate in this year’s election to ensure that Atlanta’s next mayor is one who reflects the values and purpose of our vibrant community, coupled with a mandate to uplift humanity while showing compassion for all. We need a mayor who looks after the least of these and leads with a conscience, one who is a protector as well as a leader.
Peter is Presbyterian, and his wife, Lisa, is Jewish. Their children are being brought up in the Jewish tradition. As parents, Peter and Lisa are instilling the values of public and community service into their children, just as their parents taught them. Their family history, family dynamics and love of community speak volumes about the kind of public servant and leader Peter has and will continue to be.
Peter shares our community’s values of serving the greater good. We, and many others, trust him to get affordable housing right, ensure quality education for our children, make sure transportation works for all Atlanta, including those who travel through and visit here, and ensure that our public safety needs are met and the resources of those public safety workers are efficiently provided.
Peter’s focus on humanity and social justice inherently guides his platform to become the next mayor of Atlanta, and that platform is one he can and will successfully execute.
We want to see Peter continue the incredible work he started during his time in city government. He has the will and the skill to continue to make Atlanta the greatest city in the world and one that works in the best interest of all its citizens.
Please vote for Peter Aman as Atlanta’s next mayor Tuesday, Nov. 7.
Michael Morris is the owner and publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times. Eric Hartz is the former president of Temple Sinai and is the president of Nexus Fuels, as well as the treasurer of the Peter Aman for Atlanta Mayor campaign.