Pinch Hitter Leaders Thank Volunteers & Sponsors
The Pinch Hitter program is organized by Achim/Gate City B’nai B’rith Lodge 0144 and the B’nai B’rith Center for Community Action.
Achim/Gate City Lodge of B’nai B’rith extends its sincere thanks to all the volunteers who participated in the Pinch Hitter program on Christmas Day 2024, and a special yasher koach to the volunteer hospital coordinators (noted with **) and their assistants (noted with *) without whom the Pinch Hitter program would have been impossible to produce.

The full list of volunteers, hospital coordinators and assistants is as follows:
Amanda Abrams; Andrew Adler; Mark Alleman; Mary Alleman; Mimi Anapolle*; Vic Anapolle **; Leon Apte; Roberta Apte; Beth Arogeti; Joel Arogeti; Josh Astarita; Lisa Astarita; Joseph Berger; Anne Bernstein; Irma Bloch**; Mitch Block; David Bock; Debi Bock; David Bohn; Julie Bohn; Roberta Callahan; Karen Callen; Beverly Cohen; Mark Cohen; Eileen Cooley; Randy Crohn; Frances Cullen; Carolyn Dinberg; Steve Dinberg; Liza Dolensky; Ben Dorfman; Colin Dorfman; Wyatt Dorfman; Benjy Dubovsky; Rodney Eberhardt; Dan Epstein; Lisa Epstein; Karen Fedder; Brian Feinberg; Rob Feldman; Sheri Feldman; Gordon Gipson; Adam Goldberg; Ava Goldberg; Lindsey Goldberg; Millie Goldberg; Roy Goldenberg; Michele Goodelman; Sara Grubel; Dave Hankin; Larry Hankin; Lee Hankin; Sharon Hochdorf; Amy Hurewitz; Lena Hurewitz; Gary Jackson**; Matthew Kaler; Ricky Kaplan; Philip Karlick; Susanne Karlick; Ann Kay; Leslie Kopel; Pamela Kowan; Betsy Kramer; Rich Lapin; Camille Lefkowitz; Mike Levin; Tanya Levin; Aaron Levine; Alexis Levine; Myrtle Lewin; Catherine Lewis; Robin Lewis; Eric Liberman; Julie Liberman; Jeanie Lipsius; Katia Lord; Rosanne Lutz**; Gilbert Lyons; Carole Masters; Barbara Mays; Alex Merriam; Janet Mills; Barry Minkoff; Lauren Moret; Leslie Moscow; Scott Moscow; Benny Moses; Emma Moses; Lucy Moses; Opher Moses; Ellen Nemhauser; Jeffrey Nemhauser; Janice Nodvin; Nikki Novotny; Greta Oneil; Jennifer Pearlman; Molly Pearlman; Leslie Penuel; Helen Perkel; Hannah Rosenberg; Kellee Rosenberg; Andrea Rosenthal; David Rosenthal; Milton Rosenthal; Sandy Rothbard**; Rosemary Routman; Marci Rudich; Julia Sacks; Sandy Sarlin; Gregg Schulemson; Alex Schulman**; Jenna Schulman; Marci Schulman; Cindy Sedran; Leon Shelkoff*; Alex Shindnes; Dan Shmalo; Gwenn Silverman; Stan Silverman; Will Simmons; Rae Sirott; Rita Sislen; Stan Sloan; Allan Slovin; Ben Sokolik; David Sokolik; Sharon Sokolik; Terri Spiegel; Andrew Traub; Sue Traub; Beverly Tyler; Wayne Tyler; Joyce Warner; Jill Wilson; Lane Wolbe; Al Wolmer; Mona Wolmer
Thank you to the sponsors:
Capital Investment Advisors; Siegel Insurance–Auto-Owners Insurance; Coldwell Banker–Debbie Sonenshine; Dressler’s Jewish Funeral Care; Kessler and Solomiany, PC; Loventhal Insurance Group; Kosher Gourmet; Sandra Sarlin; Ilene and Adrian Grant; and Toco Instant Printing.