Pinch Hitter Leaders Thank Volunteers & Sponsors

Pinch Hitter Leaders Thank Volunteers & Sponsors

The Pinch Hitter program is organized by Achim/Gate City B’nai B’rith Lodge 0144 and the B’nai B’rith Center for Community Action.

Carolyn Dinberg, Mike Levin, Sharon Hochdorf, and Steve Dinberg lend a hand at Dunwoody Place.
Carolyn Dinberg, Mike Levin, Sharon Hochdorf, and Steve Dinberg lend a hand at Dunwoody Place.

Achim/Gate City Lodge of B’nai B’rith extends its sincere thanks to all the volunteers who participated in the Pinch Hitter program on Christmas Day 2024, and a special yasher koach to the volunteer hospital coordinators (noted with **) and their assistants (noted with *) without whom the Pinch Hitter program would have been impossible to produce.

Lauren Moret and Sandy Rothbard are pictured volunteering at the Marcus Trauma Center.

The full list of volunteers, hospital coordinators and assistants is as follows:
Amanda Abrams; Andrew Adler; Mark Alleman; Mary Alleman; Mimi Anapolle*; Vic Anapolle **; Leon Apte; Roberta Apte; Beth Arogeti; Joel Arogeti; Josh Astarita; Lisa Astarita; Joseph Berger; Anne Bernstein; Irma Bloch**; Mitch Block; David Bock; Debi Bock; David Bohn; Julie Bohn; Roberta Callahan; Karen Callen; Beverly Cohen; Mark Cohen; Eileen Cooley; Randy Crohn; Frances Cullen; Carolyn Dinberg; Steve Dinberg; Liza Dolensky; Ben Dorfman; Colin Dorfman; Wyatt Dorfman; Benjy Dubovsky; Rodney Eberhardt; Dan Epstein; Lisa Epstein; Karen Fedder; Brian Feinberg; Rob Feldman; Sheri Feldman; Gordon Gipson; Adam Goldberg; Ava Goldberg; Lindsey Goldberg; Millie Goldberg; Roy Goldenberg; Michele Goodelman; Sara Grubel; Dave Hankin; Larry Hankin; Lee Hankin; Sharon Hochdorf; Amy Hurewitz; Lena Hurewitz; Gary Jackson**; Matthew Kaler; Ricky Kaplan; Philip Karlick; Susanne Karlick; Ann Kay; Leslie Kopel; Pamela Kowan; Betsy Kramer; Rich Lapin; Camille Lefkowitz; Mike Levin; Tanya Levin; Aaron Levine; Alexis Levine; Myrtle Lewin; Catherine Lewis; Robin Lewis; Eric Liberman; Julie Liberman; Jeanie Lipsius; Katia Lord; Rosanne Lutz**; Gilbert Lyons; Carole Masters; Barbara Mays; Alex Merriam; Janet Mills; Barry Minkoff; Lauren Moret; Leslie Moscow; Scott Moscow; Benny Moses; Emma Moses; Lucy Moses; Opher Moses; Ellen Nemhauser; Jeffrey Nemhauser; Janice Nodvin; Nikki Novotny; Greta Oneil; Jennifer Pearlman; Molly Pearlman; Leslie Penuel; Helen Perkel; Hannah Rosenberg; Kellee Rosenberg; Andrea Rosenthal; David Rosenthal; Milton Rosenthal; Sandy Rothbard**; Rosemary Routman; Marci Rudich; Julia Sacks; Sandy Sarlin; Gregg Schulemson; Alex Schulman**; Jenna Schulman; Marci Schulman; Cindy Sedran; Leon Shelkoff*; Alex Shindnes; Dan Shmalo; Gwenn Silverman; Stan Silverman; Will Simmons; Rae Sirott; Rita Sislen; Stan Sloan; Allan Slovin; Ben Sokolik; David Sokolik; Sharon Sokolik; Terri Spiegel; Andrew Traub; Sue Traub; Beverly Tyler; Wayne Tyler; Joyce Warner; Jill Wilson; Lane Wolbe; Al Wolmer; Mona Wolmer

Thank you to the sponsors:

Capital Investment Advisors; Siegel Insurance–Auto-Owners Insurance; Coldwell Banker–Debbie Sonenshine; Dressler’s Jewish Funeral Care; Kessler and Solomiany, PC; Loventhal Insurance Group; Kosher Gourmet; Sandra Sarlin; Ilene and Adrian Grant; and Toco Instant Printing.

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