Rabbi Jordan Ottenstein’s 2021 Rosh Hashanah Message
Read community insights, perspectives and opportunities seen as we enter into the 5782/ 2021 New Year.
During our liturgy on Rosh Hashanah, we will read the words “hayom harat olam,” today the world is born anew. It is on this day that we have the ability to look to the world anew, brimming with possibilities. Rabbi Hayyim Kieval taught about Rosh Hashanah that “it carried the momentous message that the human personality, the ‘crown of creation,’ possesses limitless capacities for renewal.” And it is truly renewal that we seek: a new normal that will allow us to open up again fully — whether in our synagogues, our businesses, our friendships, or our schools. Our hope each year, as we celebrate the birth of the world, is for this sense of renewal; but in this year, after more than a year of living with the pandemic, our search for newness and opportunity seems to be stronger than usual.
We have learned, however, many new ways of connecting to one another, worshiping together, celebrating together, and supporting one another over these past months. And as we enter the new year of 5782, we truly have many opportunities to expand on these new ways, take from the pandemic those things that brought value to our lives, and let them help define what our new normal will be. We also have opportunities to reconnect to the community and to each other, with the understanding that “the way we have always done it” can be (and sometimes should be) changed to allow for stronger connections, deeper learning, and more opportunities to engage with our Jewish community, Jewish heritage, and Jewish tradition. May the year 5782 bring with it health, peace, and joy for each of us and for our Atlanta Jewish community.
Rabbi Jordan Ottenstein is the senior rabbi of Congregation Dor Tamid in Johns Creek.