Rabbi Sam Trief’s Rosh Hashanah Message for 2024
Rosh HashanahCommunity

Rabbi Sam Trief’s Rosh Hashanah Message for 2024

Rabbi Sam Trief shares her thoughts and inspiration for the Jewish New Year.

Rabbi Sam Trief
Rabbi Sam Trief

The Buddha’s disciples turned to him one day and asked:
Are you a God?
No, I am not a God, he answered.
Then are you an angel?
No, I am not an angel, the Buddha replied.
Are you a prophet? the disciples insisted.
No I am not a prophet
Then, who are you?
The Buddha answered, I am awake

While navigating the ups and downs of our daily lives, it’s easy to fall into routines, and to feel stuck and trapped by the familiarity of it all. And, as we go about our days and our obligations, we might lose touch with our passions and our deeper purpose and potential. Rosh Hashanah, however, offers us a precious opportunity to awaken from our complacency.

The blast of the shofar, serves as a wake-up call for our souls, shaking us from our comfortable habits and urging us to reexamine our day to day. The shofar inspires us to live like the Buddha, awake, with our eyes, hearts, and minds wide open.

This sacred season invites us to reflect, rejuvenate, and reconnect with our inner selves. It’s a time to celebrate new beginnings and to embrace our potential for growth and transformation. We hope the familiar blasts of the shofar will guide us all towards our strengths and our callings, so that we can live this year of 5785 alive and inspired.

On behalf of the Temple Sinai Clergy Team, Shanah Tovah.

Rabbi Sam Trief is a Rabbi at Temple Sinai.

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