The Lowdown: Lynn Deutsch
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The Lowdown: Lynn Deutsch

I Bet You Didn’t Know … Lynn is a graduate of the Arts Leaders of Metro Atlanta program and the Atlanta Regional Commission’s Regional Leadership Institute.

After 37 years with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and now with the AJT, , Jaffe’s focus is lifestyle, art, dining, fashion, and community events with emphasis on Jewish movers and shakers.

Lynn Deutsch
Lynn Deutsch

Atlanta is chock full of interesting “movers and shakers” – some bent on creativity, empire building, activism, the sciences, and/or just plain having fun and living the good life. Lean in to hear some of the “off the cuff” remarks as to what makes our spotlight Lynn Deutsch, Mayor of Dunwoody, tick.

Deutsch was born in Atlanta and raised in Memphis, Tenn., where she grew up at Temple Israel. She earned bachelor’s degrees in government and journalism from the University of Texas at Austin and later obtained a master’s degree in city planning from the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Lynn has been deeply involved in her community for many years, serving on the Dunwoody Planning Commission and numerous boards and committees at her synagogues, children’s schools, and within the broader community.

In 2011, Lynn was elected as a Dunwoody City Councilmember, serving until her election as mayor in 2019. Reelected in 2023, she is both the first woman to serve as mayor and the first to be elected to two terms in Dunwoody.

Lynn is a graduate of the Arts Leaders of Metro Atlanta program and the Atlanta Regional Commission’s Regional Leadership Institute. She also serves on the Legislative Policy Council of the Georgia Municipal Association and is Chair of the Policy Committee for the DeKalb Municipal Association.

Lynn and husband, Barry, raised their three children in Dunwoody and are members of Temple Emanu-El. They recently became grandparents — a role Lynn describes as “the most joyful yet!”

Ask “Her Honor” why she believes dinosaurs roam the earth, or at least Dunwoody.

You will not find me …
Out past 10 p.m. if I can help it!

One fun thing people don’t know about me is …
We were in the middle of a heated controversy about inflated dinosaurs. A friend dressed up as a dinosaur and came to our council meeting. After a few minutes, her costume started to deflate –which made the situation even funnier.

The thing I like most about Dunwoody is …
Our community and how we support each other in good times and bad.

The most fun thing about being a mayor is …
I love spending time with our community’s children — whether at schools, meetings, or the library. I always encourage them to say hello when they see me. They always stop to chat, and we have the best conversations!

The most difficult thing about being a mayor is …
Disappointing people. My goal is to make sure that you know that I listened, heard your concerns and did my best to address them even if we don’t agree on the solution.

I’m streaming and reading …
I just finished “The Diplomat” which was fantastic. I am getting ready to start “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Jew” by Emmanuel Acho and Noa Tishby.

If they made a movie of my life _____ would portray me …
Reese Witherspoon, she is about my height, funny, serious and Southern.

I would look back and tell a 21-year-old Lynn …
Life will be a wild ride. Hang on and enjoy every minute. Don’t wish for time to go quickly.

Most exotic vacation?
New Zealand.  I would like to go to Africa. For now, though we spend most of our vacation time visiting children and family.

Best advice you received?
My mom always says, “Bloom where you are planted.”

My last fashion disaster was …
I was logging onto Zoom for a meeting, when I was notified that they were actually at City Hall for an in-person meeting. My outfit that day wasn’t the usual put together look that I strived for.

My kids would say ….
“Mom can find anything we lose but doesn’t know where her phone or keys are.” However I get credit for getting them into a Post Malone concert.

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