The Need for Checks and Balances
Leven says votes should assure Senate and Congress are in separate hands.
“Now we take Georgia, then we change the world. Now we take Georgia then we change America.” – Chuck Schumer, Nov. 7
“I want to congratulate president elect Biden … everyone regardless of political affiliation should want him to succeed because we need our country to succeed.” – Larry Hogan, Republican governor of Maryland, Nov. 9.
It is time for readers of these messages to think clearly what to do in the Senate races in Georgia on Jan. 5.
The founders of our country, when drafting the Constitution, decided in their wisdom that the government should have checks and balances and hence, created a legislator of two branches that should help each other to get the best decisions both for the country and all of its citizens. They also created ways to inhibit the executive from authoritarian decisions that would balance the power of that office. We all know that a divided government must work for the greater good of all. A government controlled by one party was seen to simply be more dangerous for all of the country. George Washington was known to have said beware of parties, because in the search for power, that power will inhibit appropriate decision-making.
When you vote in January, it is my hope that this message reminds you of your responsibility to help president elect Joe Biden to find a way to unify all of our interests, not only for the United States, but for our friends around the world and, of course, the state of Israel.
Your vote should recognize the need to assure the Senate and Congress are in different hands.
Mike Leven was a top executive in the hospitality industry and former CEO and chairman of the Georgia Aquarium board of directors.