Western Wall Comes to Isidore Alterman
New this year at the Marcus JCC’s main summer day camp in Dunwoody is a replica of the Western Wall in Jerusalem.
New this year at the Marcus JCC’s main summer day camp in Dunwoody is a replica of the Western Wall in Jerusalem. Campers of all ages and backgrounds from Camp Isidore Alterman can leave notes in cracks of the camp’s new Western Wall, an opportunity to engage with Israeli culture at camp.
Then, when the MJCCA Day Camp’s Shlichim (emissaries) return to Israel after the season, they’ll place the notes in the real Western Wall.
There are about 26 other new offerings this year at MJCCA camps including American Ninja Warrior for teens; Concorde Fire Soccer; Bring the Hype Dance; Elite Skills Training: Basketball; Girls Volleyball; Pokemon, LEGO, and STEAM camps. The MJCCA day camps are offered at three locations: Dunwoody, Intown and East Cobb. Camps run from May 26 to Aug. 14 for rising pre-K to 10th graders. For those who are interested, the camps are offering an extra week this year, from Aug. 10-14 for rising K-6. Campers can choose from options such as Camp Isidore Alterman, edible art, and coding camp. In addition, campers can now get ahead on their summer reading in the new Before Camp Care: Reading Program. Participants can work on summer reading and other school assignments from 7:30 to 8:15 a.m. in a designated reading room.
“We know that camp can provide a welcome alternative from screens and social media. When our campers unplug, this translates to boating, swimming and playing in nature; cooking, climbing, or trying a new sport; strengthening social skills; and building self-confidence and independence,” explains MJCCA Day Camps Director Jodi Sonenshine.
Free bus transportation to the MJCCA at Zaban Park is offered to campers and staff from various locations in Sandy Springs, Brookhaven, Norcross, Dunwoody, Alpharetta, Johns Creek, Roswell, Intown, Toco Hills, Midtown and East Cobb.
And multi-week discounts are available for those who come for more than three weeks. Save on every week, starting with the fourth week of camp. Before Camp Care and After Camp Care, from 4 to 6 p.m., are also available at the three camp locations.
“MJCCA day campers gain on so many fronts when they are part of our day camp family,” Sonenshine said. “From their ability to socialize with their summer friends, to giving them the opportunity to use their senses in nature, MJCCA day camps provide the opportunity to build summer camp memories and lasting friendships.”
For more information, visit www.mjccadaycamps.org or call 678-812-4004.